roel's sister, lori, and her husband, jojeann, convalidated their marriage in the church on 11/13/10. malia was their flower girl. she wore the same dress she wore when they got married in vegas last year. micah was their bible/coin bearer. and roel was her "patron of honor". it was cute because since lori has only brothers and jojeann has only sisters, they had best maids and men of honor. it was a very touching ceremony and the reception was filled with a lot of good food and company.
of course i'm speaking as her mom when i say that
i think she's absolutely stunning in this picture.
he's sitting on the bride and groom's kneeler.
i think this was taken after he leaned back and
fell through to the other side. he's so funny.
some details from the reception. i love details. the bride and groom made their own 2 tier cake. jos and i made the blue velvet cupcakes and the groom's sisters made the white cupcakes. there was a candy bar with themed white, blue, and silver candy. my cousin, who catered, made so many delicious appetizers and decorated so beautifully.
now we wait for the baby to arrive in february!