Tuesday, May 19, 2009


micah: nelp?
me: do you want more milk?
micah: yes
me: say mm-il-K
micah: nelp
me: milk please
micah: peas

Sunday, May 10, 2009

mother's day at sea world

the first word i heard today was 'mama', it was great! since disneyland wasn't in our budget this year, we headed to sea world and did 'breakfast with elmo.' the kids enjoyed it. malia told me, "they're alive," as we were walking and she first saw the sesame street characters. of course, micah was happy to give the characters a hug, but didn't want to pose for the pictures. then it was off to the stingrays, malia's favorite at sea world. she had to pet them, which i'm not too fond of, but i'm glad it made her day. and then it was off to the bay of play. roel and i like the little kids area where we can just sit and relax and the kids can run around. my micah is just too sweet. he wouldn't cry or even get mad when other little kids would take the blocks from him or hit him with the blocks. and there was malia, hogging the blocks. the last thing we did was say hi to shamu. it was a short visit to sea world because we had to head over to grandma's house. but i'm sure we'll go back soon, to pet the stingrays again.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

party & a performance

it was a busy day for malia. today was her school BFF's b-day party at daydreams cafe. it was so cute. she did a great job painting her little ceramic piece. 

she's really cute with her school friends and her BFF Jada

after that, we did some errands and headed home to pick up micah & daddy. then it was off to mass and a fundraiser for st rose. the fundraiser theme was italian with songs from the movie 'mama mia' sung by OVC. not the typical songs they sing, but they were asked to. so we asked malia a week ago if she wanted to sing with them since she was somewhat familiar with the songs. she sang 'dancing queen' and 'mama mia' with them. her first choir performance! she did pretty well considering she was tired from all the stuff we did beforehand. we're so proud of her. and she's excited to perform with them again in the future.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


for the past week malia has been bringing home a lot of info regarding her kinder graduation. it's some more money out of my pocket, but worth it for this occasion that will only happen once in her life. she has also brought home workbooks from school that she had finished. her "hard" work as she calls it, since she has to do her workbook instead of paint during materials time in class. and we've been working on reading books at home.

so yesterday, as she was talking (the usual non-stop talking), the weirdest thing happened. it was kind of like a movie, where i could see her but it would flash in my mind and then i could see an image of her of when she was smaller. like when she was 2 years old saying my name a million times and telling me what to do. (yes the bossiness started that early.) so this whole flashback thing was happening all while she was talking about who knows what. and then of course i started to cry. so i hugged her, called her my big girl, and she went off to play. then i looked at roel and he started laughing at me. husbands just don't understand.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

malia's half birthday

happy half birthday to malia today! it's a big deal to her to be 5 and a half. for some reason she can't wait to be 6. as i left to go grocery shopping, she stopped me and asked if i would buy her a cake. i was already planning on buying her a small cake, but it made her so happy when i told her it was a great idea. we didn't go anywhere today. she just played with her brother. and then it happened...her 2nd tooth came out. it's been loose for almost a week and today she decided to pull it out. so that topped off her half birthday.

i had no other candle but the one we used on her 5th birthday, she didn't mind
someone else enjoyed the pink frosting

sunday workout sessions

no i'm not talking about going to the gym, even though i need to. i'm referring to micah at church. he spends most of the mass running around outside. if you pick him up, he starts fussing and screaming. and if you bring him inside, he darts out the door again. snacks or a toy won't work at keeping him inside either. he'll just grab it and take it outside. so roel and i take turns following him outside. of course my turn is longer because i could use the exercise, but i'm missing the mass! and it's funny because he'll be speaking his gibberish while he's running. some words in between the gibberish are "go" and "there". and this is probably bad on my part, but somehow i managed to teach him not to pick stuff up off the ground like leaves, instead he stomps on them. at least i won't have to worry about dirty hands at church. but what will i do when it's summer and 90 degrees outside?