Saturday, February 27, 2010

a&c on a rainy day

now that malia is beyond preschool art, we can do all kinds of arts & crafts together. but we usually have to wait until micah is sleeping because he sticks to me like static cling or wants to touch everything that he's not supposed to. so during his nap today, malia and i did some a&c, perfect for a rainy day. we did DIY shrinky dinks, which we'll have to do more of when i get more plastic take-out boxes because it was fun. then i remembered i had some felt flower kits i bought a while ago. sometimes i forget how old she is and that she can read the directions and do it all on her own, glue and all. she made a felt flower clip and a ring. they turned out really nice.

Thursday, February 25, 2010

ouch report

when i picked up micah today, he was at the table eating snacks with his friends. he was talking and laughing with them. then his teacher approached me after she was finished attending to another child. she brought me an ouch report. apparently another kid bit micah's arm in the morning. she said it happened out of nowhere, they were playing and all of a sudden micah was screaming. so i pulled back his sleeve and saw the red marks on his arm which were of both top and bottom teeth of the other kid. my poor boy! of course the teachers wouldn't say the name of the kid who did it, but the kids at the table all said, "michael did it." it's preschool, it happens. i understand that, but my poor boy. last week he had wood chips accidentally thrown in his eyes! roel was upset, but i reminded him how much malia got hurt in preschool. if i had an ouch report for every time malia got hurt in preschool, i'd have a book. micah said he was fine. and of course we had the talk that biting is a no-no and instructed him to tell his friends that biting is a no-no.

thank goodness all of the injuries m&m get are minor. but please, no more ouch least for a while.

Monday, February 22, 2010

lia's baptism birthday

happy baptism birthday to my baby girl malia! it also happens to be our wedding anniversary. yes, i planned it that way. i wanted her baptism to be on a very special day. she's always happy to celebrate more birthdays.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

lent has begun

m&m were excited to get their ashes. micah got upset when i wiped his off before giving him a bath. "that's mine," he said. i hear that a lot.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

valentine art

just got these today since micah didn't stay the whole day on friday. i love it! sadly, malia didn't have any valentine art. she's had her share of art though. preschoolers have all the fun.

my camera didn't want to focus for some reason, so i had to put the inside of the card on the scanner. i'll put a new camera on my christmas list.

it's a ladybug, or a love bug

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Saturday, February 13, 2010

last minute trip to disneyland

with asthma and allergies hitting all of us because of the rain and cold weather, we weren't sure if we were going to make it to disneyland for our valentine's outing. but since everyone felt fine yesterday morning, we decided we would go. micah went to school in the morning for his valentine's party and we picked him up when we were packed and ready to go.

it's crazy how slow you move with little kids. plus it was a little crowded because it was the start of the holiday weekend. we got in 3 things aside from eating and looking around in 6 hours.

the monsters inc ride was probably their favorite for this trip. micah because he got to ride in the car, and malia because it has boo (who she can't bear to be without).

this was micah's face during the whole ride

we were just happy to be there, especially since we didn't make it up during christmas season. and it was cool because it was a reunion with our group from our disney world trip in 2006.

one day, we'll make it back to WDW. but for now, we'll just try to make as many disneyland trips as we can.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

field trip with malia

malia's first field trip was on tuesday to old town. it was my first field trip there as well. all i've done in old town was eat at one of the restaurants. i think malia was more excited to ride on the bus for the first time.

it was cold, but the kids didn't mind. each class had their own tour guide. our tour guide had the kids wear an accessory they used to wear in the 1800s. malia got to wear a mantilla (a lace scarf worn on the head). i thought it was neat for them to sit in the first school ever built in san diego. it even had an authentic dunce cap inside. they saw a kitchen, a house made out of mud bricks, and an old jail. by the time we got to the courthouse, they were hungry and tired of the tour. after lunch and some playing, we went around to some of the stores.

1st graders are funny. one of them told me that field trips are called field trips because wherever you go there's always dirt. then some of them would be in shock if i called them by their name. and after i bought malia a ring from a store, some tried to ask me for money. i really don't know how teachers do it. they really are under paid.