Thursday, April 26, 2012

bring your child to work day

it was micah's turn this time. malia has come to 2 bring your child to work day events, so she was a little sad that she wasn't coming. micah was really excited.

we got to my work at 6:45am. he was a little shy at first but still said hi and good morning to everyone i introduced him to. i had him put labels on envelopes first since he was fresh and in good listener mode.

then he took a picture for his ID badge. and while we waited for that, there was breakfast and arts & crafts to do.

then the presentations started. micah liked police officer greg, especially when he showed his taser gun.

the SD fire fighters were cool too. all the kids were able to use the fire hose.

the event ended with a certificate of participation, pizza, and goody bags.

he had a blast. micah thinks it's this fun at my work every day. i wish it were.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

happy earth day

i told the kids that we were staying home for earth day. the only place we did go was to church, which isn't that far away. the kids painted and played with their toys. and we watched turtle the incredible journey. it really was an incredible story, all of the challenges a little turtle faces to survive. the kids got really into it, yelling at a crab not to eat the turtle, and yelling at the turtle not to eat the trash in the ocean or go into the oil puddles. their life cycle is amazing. i patched up malia's school jeans that had holes in the knees. why buy new ones when she's just going to make holes again and it's almost the end of the year. finished off the day timing the kids' shower and challenging them to take shorter showers to conserve water.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Friday, April 6, 2012

fake or real?

me: micah, i forgot to tell you that chuck e cheese said happy half birthday to you.

micah: he did? then how come he didn't give me a present?

me: he'll give you a present if you go there. he'll give you tokens to play games, and then you can get tickets for prizes.

micah: oh. remember when we went there last time and joel was scared of him?

me: how about you, were you scared of him?

micah: no, because i know he's not real.

me: are you sure he's not real?

micah: ya, because it's a costume. and i saw a net where his mouth is. it's just like mickey mouse. when i was taking a picture with him, i looked under his head and saw a net. it's all fake.

me: what?!!!! but i love mickey mouse!!! i think he's real!

micah: nah, it's fake mom.

me: but i still think he's real. can i still love mickey mouse?

micah: ya sure.

me: do you still love mickey mouse?

micah: i still love mickey mouse.

i could tell that malia was having a hard time on who she agreed with. it's a fine line. she always has questions. she's a true believer in magic and fairy tells. but other kids always make her wonder if things/people are real. don't even get me started with her questions on God and faith. i always tell her it's real if she believes in it. she will figure it all out on her own.