Wednesday, April 9, 2014

oral surgery consultation

malia's mouth has already cost a fortune. and it continues to cost me more money, but this time it isn't her fault. we were sent to the orthodontist because her teeth were crowded. but then the orthodontist sent us to the oral surgeon because her xray showed that she had a tooth up by her nose that wasn't coming down.

the 3D xrays at the oral surgeon show that the tooth up by her nose isn't vertical like it's supposed to be. it is horizontal and has made a hole in her cheekbone. the 2 options were: attach a chain to the tooth and pull it periodically in hopes it would come down OR just extract it. of course, she chose the extraction right away. but the first option was only a 40% chance of it coming down, so the extraction was the way to go. she will have her surgery in june.

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

first crush

i was dreading the day malia started liking boys. i thought i had more time since she is still immature for her age. but, i had my first crush in 5th grade as well. anyway, the boy's name is adrian. she told me about him while we went on a walk and told me not to tell daddy. i convinced her that it was a good idea for her to tell him, but she bargained with me and we decided that i would tell him.

roel said that when i told him, he had a lot of flashbacks of her in his mind of her as a baby and toddler. and he would go check this boy out. too funny. but i feel bad for roel because i still have my mama's boy.

update 5/26/14: i've convinced malia that she probably thinks of this guy as more of a BFF. yay!