as always, we had a wonderful christmas. it came and went super fast though. above are a couple of pictures we took at jos' house a week before christmas courtesy of photography by roy.

on christmas eve morning, i greeted malia, "merry christmas eve, christmas is tomorrow." after a little gasp she said softly,"oh no, i don't know what list i'm on." i just started laughing. she's so funny. maybe i told her that her name was moving to the naughtly list one too many times.
we attended the 4pm kids mass on christmas eve at st rose. my kids missed the live children's nativity scene because they were too busy looking at the porcelain nativity scene in the children's (cry) room. (yes we were late so we were in there.) after that, the hubbies stayed to sing for the 6pm mass. so jos and i had all 4 kids in the car and headed for the sousa residence. we thought we were brilliant to come up with the idea.

well, we were wrong. it was cranky time and micah & joelle screamed for pretty much the entire 40 minute drive. joelle wanted jos and micah wanted me. we tried all kinds of things to distract them. but there was nothing else to do but laugh. poor malia was sitting in between the screaming kids, but managed to keep her cool up until 5 minutes before we got there. then she started complaining. micah decided to finally fall asleep right when i stopped the car. i told jos that we would not be riding all together again anytime soon.
it's always fun to watch the kids faces as they open christmas presents. micah got cars and malia got princess stuff.

both m&m woke up with a smile on christmas morning. then we all went downstairs together to see what santa brought. santa brought malia a belle dress up doll, just what she wanted. he also gave her a 'how to draw the princess and the frog book' since she likes to draw, and a warm jacket. "this wasn't on my list," she said as she pulled out the jacket. "santa knows you get cold easily," i said. santa brought micah a basketball hoop and some cars shoes. after putting on his shoes and making a few baskets, he grabbed belle and malia started making baskets. then it was on to opening more presents by the tree.

then we made brownies to bring to grandma's house. someone had a little too much fun mixing the frosting. i had to bring him upstairs so he would stop eating it.
wishing grandma letty a merry christmas. it made my heart happy to know that micah knows who grandma letty is now. he can pick her out in pictures already even though we've only shown him a few times.
malia was so excited to open her gift from grandma & grandpa. matching dresses, one for her and one for boo. she really wants to take that doll everywhere.
this drum set from ninong ray was such a fun present for micah and kept him busy during the charger game.
the christmas season isn't over just yet. we still have more presents to deliver. and we look forward to the christmas party we have in mid-january with some friends. but now i just have to figure out where i'm going to put all the new toys!