the kids are getting spoiled this year with all the halloween activities. we thought we would get the most out of our fun cards and take the kids trick or treating at Sea World last sunday. they actually give more candy than Disneyland, including healthy treats like bananas & natural peanut butter and cool stuff like the new crayola markers, but of course Disneyland has way more visitors.
the kids did some cookie decorating. well, at least malia did. micah just sat there and ate the m&m's while daddy decorated his cookie.

everyone loves the sesame street bay of play. micah wanted to go on the big kid's stuff with malia but he's still too short. he'll catch up soon. he's already catching up to her weight.

of course we couldn't leave until they touched the stingrays. and we got there at feeding time, so most of the stingrays were close to the edge.

lastly, who are these people? it doesn't matter, malia will take pictures with them anyway.