malia finally got her wish and turned 6 yesterday. she's been wanting to turn 6 even before she turned 5. i sent a cupcake cake with daddy so she could celebrate at school. when she got home, she was thrilled to open her gift from micah, which was a new backpack. we had planned to go out to dinner, but because all of our allergies and the paranoia of the swine flu, we just stayed home. she made her own party hat out of construction paper and princess stickers. and then we ate the ice cream cake i made for her. she had asked for a heart shaped cake, so i made it into an ice cream cake because she loves ice cream so much. she ate the middle of the cake, which was the ice cream part, and then asked me for a scoop of ice cream. we really should have just opened a tub of ice cream and put a candle in the middle. malia says she wants to be 6 forever. silly girl.