i've never been to disneyland on my actual birthday. i got one of those birthday buttons and it was surprising how many cast members greeted me. it was really nice. micah's ninong arn was able to join us for the day.
micah's first ride choice was "the ghost ride", but since pirates was on the way we went to that first. we waited maybe 5 minutes for each ride. we were lucky because it got crowded right after we rode. they added some new things to haunted mansion, i was actually freaked out. malia just wanted to go to the tarzan treehouse.
the kids spent some of their money on sugar. then we headed to fantasy land. they rode the circus train for the first time. of course in the monkey car.
one of the highlights of this trip was seeing baby ducks walk across the way. micah is usually pretty good about just looking, but i turned around and there he was running after the ducks and trying to touch them. i don't know what got into him. i had to carry him away because he wasn't listening to me to stop.
malia also wanted to go see mickey in his house. i love that mickey's greeting place changes themes. last time he was in his sorcerer outfit. this time he was steamboat willie with his boat in the background.
the kids each chose 1 thing to buy. out of everything there is to choose at disneyland, malia picked a little tiara. she had me checking it the entire time to see if it was straight. micah picked a storm trooper figure. loved my thirty-something birthday.