we called it confession or penance, but the director of ccd said that they are teaching the kids to only call it reconciliation so they don't become afraid of it. who doesn't think it's scary admitting your sins to a complete stranger?! i was horrified, i can remember exactly what the room looked like. and this was when then priest was behind a partition, not face to face like they do it now. anyways, my social butterfly malia looked a little nervous, but still had no problems talking to the priest. we were in the back half of the church. i was smiling and watching, micah was waving at her (i don't know why), and roel was taking her picture with his phone. the priest even said beforehand that we're not supposed to take pictures with flash and close up, so i guess roel figured he was okay because we were far and there wasn't a flash. she said she felt good afterwards and that she liked it. so if she wants to go again, do i have to go?