malia's field trip to sea world with her class was yesterday. it rained on and off the entire time. some kids loved the rain, i know malia did. thank goodness i brought her rain coat. other kids were soaked and cold. the workers gave us some trash bags to make the kids some ponchos.
i had a group of 4 kids: juan-carlos, eternity, kalleh, and malia. we were the turtle group. it was quite challenging, especially at the artic exhibit when each one was running to a different window to try to see the polar bear or walrus. they also got to see the sharks, touch the starfish and feed the sea lions.
my first grader is so petite ;)

at least the kids had fun even if they were only there for 3 hours. i felt like we were there for 6. my energy bar really came in handy afterwards.
things i learned on this field trip while being a chaperone:
1. always bring quarters and pennies on a field trip to an amusement park. those pressed pennies mean the world to little kids whose parents didn't send money for them to buy any souvenirs.
2. bring extra food/snacks, just in case one kid's food falls or gets rained on and they are still hungry.
3. there are kids that behave worse than yours on a field trip. (really there are!)
4. the girls all whine and sulk the same. this was somewhat comforting to know that my girl isn't the only one that does that, especially over little things.
5. i could never be a teacher or have a lot of kids because it requires a lot of patience
6. think twice before volunteering to be a chaperone