last week when i picked up micah from school, he told me that the turkey says, "gobble gobble." and he had a bunch of art to bring home. i just love school art, it's the best. plus i don't have to clean up the mess. malia doesn't have as much art now that she's in elementary school. no wonder why she's always asking me if we can do arts & crafts at home.
(lia's only thanksgiving art)
thanksgiving day was hot this year. micah's cheeks turned red from being in the sun at the cemetery. then it was off to roel's auntie cecil's house for lunch. there was a 2 year old girl there that had almost the same personality as micah's. so they both were saying "mine" and having little fits. such terrible 2's.
after that, we went to my cousin anna's house. malia just kept eating dessert with her ate jaelen, and micah was fascinated with the dogs. lots of good food! i don't know why i always forget to take pictures of the food. maybe i'll remember on christmas.
on black friday, jos and i ventured out at 4am for deals at the disney store, walmart, jc penny, and old navy. it was fun. after all, santa likes to get in on bargains too!

the long thanksgiving weekend came and went so fast, but we gobbled up good food and good deals.