what a perfect way to start off a blog by saying we went to disneyland for mother's day! for us, it's a tradition that i started 2 years ago. i'd like to take the kids to disneyland as often as my mom took me and my sister. and i'm sure this tradition won't be one the kids won't object to even when they're older.
malia was so excited because she hadn't been back to disneyland in almost a year.
we woke her up early in the morning. she was hesitant at getting up, but as soon as i told her to get dressed because we were going to disneyland, her eyes widened, and she started jumping up and down and screaming with excitement. of course micah didn't know what was going on. but it was so special, because it was his first time. we had breakfast with minnie and friends in the park. micah really liked the characters, especially tigger. he also enjoyed people watching. his first ride was buzz lightyear, it was also malia's first time to ride buzz. it was a bit crowded and of course we move slow with kids, but we had so much fun.