Annual Kermes at school.
Monday, December 22, 2014
Sunday, December 14, 2014
they found my blog
the kids were doing a google search of themselves. the last time they did this, they found some pics of themselves. this time they found this blog. they loved reading about themselves growing up, which was entirely my intention of the blog.
ever since i joined instagram, i just stopped posting on the blog. but this inspires me to keep going, for them.
ever since i joined instagram, i just stopped posting on the blog. but this inspires me to keep going, for them.
i'll go back and try to fill in what i've missed.
Monday, December 1, 2014
6th grade camp
My baby girl went off to camp today. It's a big milestone and one that was far from my mind when she was born. But it came out of nowhere, and I couldn't avoid it. She was SO excited to go, she went to all the meetings, took notes, made sure I paid and everything.
Packing was the worst part of it all. I'm pretty sure we overpacked.
Here she is with her BFF Sammy, who told me she would take care of Lia. Cute.

I didn't cry until I got home from work. Micah was sad too, but he didn't cry, he just hugged me.
Sunday, November 16, 2014
Malia has been into musicals lately, so I took her to watch Wicked. First time for both of us. I read the book, but it had adult content so I didn't let her read it. But the musical is family friendly.
We sat in the dress circle which were pretty good seats. I Loved it, the cast was so talented. More importantly, Malia loved it. We went out to the side after the show to get some autographs from the cast.
Looking forward to our next musical together.
Looking forward to our next musical together.
Friday, May 30, 2014
mother's day
we always start celebrating mother's day the day before with my sister. we had busy schedules this year, so we just met up for dinner at project pie in eastlake. our first time there and we loved the pizza. the kids really enjoyed creating their own.
i don't really like getting flowers, so roel gave me an ipad mini. he said it was mainly for me to read my books on. micah was so happy about it. he downloaded a bunch of games and used it every chance he could.
on sunday, roel's mom wanted to eat at the vip buffet in chula vista, so we stuffed our faces there. it was so hot after that, malia wanted to go in the pool. and the adventos joined us. so it was a fun mother's day.
before bed malia said, "this was a great mother's day."
Sunday, May 25, 2014
funny photo
this picture makes me smile. lots of things wrong in this picture. i think i have a past post of micah vacuuming in his underwear. he complained that it would be a hard task vacuuming the rug, but once he did it, he didn't want to stop. he had to vacuum because he was eating chips on the carpet and spilled all over the place. malia didn't even notice micah vacuuming.
Saturday, May 10, 2014
friday nights
malia has been asking for her own room since last year. and then we finally moved and she got it. but ever since then, she's been trying to come back in our bed. so she has designated fridays as the day they both get to sleep in our bed. they are big now so we have to sleep sideways, and it's uncomfortable for me and roel because we can't stretch our legs out, plus we get kicked, but we love it. that's all they get though cuz i have to make up for lack of sleep on saturday nights.
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
oral surgery consultation
malia's mouth has already cost a fortune. and it continues to cost me more money, but this time it isn't her fault. we were sent to the orthodontist because her teeth were crowded. but then the orthodontist sent us to the oral surgeon because her xray showed that she had a tooth up by her nose that wasn't coming down.
the 3D xrays at the oral surgeon show that the tooth up by her nose isn't vertical like it's supposed to be. it is horizontal and has made a hole in her cheekbone. the 2 options were: attach a chain to the tooth and pull it periodically in hopes it would come down OR just extract it. of course, she chose the extraction right away. but the first option was only a 40% chance of it coming down, so the extraction was the way to go. she will have her surgery in june.
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
first crush
i was dreading the day malia started liking boys. i thought i had more time since she is still immature for her age. but, i had my first crush in 5th grade as well. anyway, the boy's name is adrian. she told me about him while we went on a walk and told me not to tell daddy. i convinced her that it was a good idea for her to tell him, but she bargained with me and we decided that i would tell him.
roel said that when i told him, he had a lot of flashbacks of her in his mind of her as a baby and toddler. and he would go check this boy out. too funny. but i feel bad for roel because i still have my mama's boy.
update 5/26/14: i've convinced malia that she probably thinks of this guy as more of a BFF. yay!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
malia's new friend
i made the mistake of bringing the kids with me to the store to look for a birthday present. of course, they will find something they want. but malia has been wanting this panda since she saw it at costco last year. and how could i say no when she was buying it with her own money, and it was 50% off. it was a steal at $18. so there she is sleeping with him, kinda. then she took a selfie with it. and i'm glad she's sharing him with micah, cuz we are not getting another one. the panda is huge!
Tuesday, March 18, 2014
honor roll time
i'm always shocked when honor roll time comes around and m&m bring me slips that they are getting an award. malia's backpack is full of papers that are folded at least 2 times. i don't know how she finds things in there. i have to tell her to clean out her backpack every week. even at parent-teacher conference, her teacher asked her if she cleaned out her desk. micah leaves his homework at school sometimes or forgets to turn it in. his folder is clearly marked, one side english and the other spanish. all he has to do is turn it in.
but despite their disorganization, they are doing well, so i'm glad. i guess i can't complain. my room was very messy growing up, and i turned out alright, i think =).
Monday, March 17, 2014
annual physical on st patrick's day
annual physical time! funny how their hearing is perfectly fine yet they don't hear me call their names most of the time. malia finally weighs more than micah again, but she's still small. dr garcia always tells her she's fat and needs to exercise. my micah boy is just right he said. flu shots came and it was a miracle that the girl didn't cry. she squeezed me really tight though.
Wednesday, March 5, 2014
popsicle boy
this boy gave up candy for Lent, but was quick to tell me,"popsicles don't count mom," as we passed the popsicle line at school. he always wants to buy popsicles at school. somehow they aren't the same as buying them from the store. he knows he has to earn them by being good in class. at least the money is going back to the school.
Tuesday, March 4, 2014
fat tuesday
fat tuesday just so happened to fall on the same day as national pancake day at IHOP. so we met up for dinner with the cousins. as always, ninang jos is prepared with something to celebrate. beads and masks all around. yay for free pancakes and full tummies.
Thursday, February 27, 2014
career day
it was career day today. no surprise that micah dressed as a soldier. his rain boys from last year still fit so he was all set to go.
i was surprised by malia's choice though. she's been liking a lot of different things lately, but she wanted to dress up as a Disney artist. i loved her choice of course. she made a name tag. i gave her a lanyard, which you can't really see, but it has Disney pins on it. and roel took these photos at lunch time, so she didn't have her big sketch book with her in which she made a few Mickey drawings.
i'd be on cloud 9 if malia became an artist. i'd be an absolute wreck if micah became a soldier. still proud though.
Saturday, February 22, 2014
baptism birthday outing
happy baptism birthday to lia! and since it was also our anniversary, we went to eat out at olive garden. i had a kids eat free coupon and we had a gift card. i'm a cheap date. malia has a love for alfredo. my picky boy didn't like the breadsticks this time around and neither did i. or maybe we are just used to the one at o's american kitchen. it was a good lunch though.
Monday, February 17, 2014
president's day
what are we doing for president's day? that's all they kept asking. we don't always have to do something is what i tell them. i'm happy just laying on the floor all day hahaha. so we took them to golden spoon. malia and roel always get the cake batter flavor. micah and i have a new love for the salted caramel flavor.
Sunday, February 9, 2014
my 5 minute valentine decor
because our garage is still full of stuff, i don't exactly feel like decorating much. and whatever decorations i have are probably in the garage somewhere hidden anyway.
the answer is simple, clean the garage, and be finished moving in.
easier said than done people.
Saturday, February 8, 2014
the zoo
yay for the zoo! we pretty much go to the zoo once every year or every other year. roel is not fond of the zoo and i don't want to see monkeys so that probably explains it. my kids are wild monkeys so i don't need to go to the zoo to see them. but the kids love to go, so that's why we'll go.
even better to go in a big group! these kids saw a rhino pee for what seemed like 2 minutes straight, right in front of them. they saw snakes, insects, desert tortoises and rode on the tour bus. m&m got to see their beloved pandas.
they had tons of fun. here's my lion king girl on the lion. and micah begged to buy these binoculars, with his own money of course. at least he put them to good use on the tour bus.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014
music day
We're trying to get back into a routine since the move and the holidays. So for one of our free afternoons we've scheduled it as music day.
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