took micah to LA with me to a birthday party yesterday. my very creative and good friend, whose son is named reagan wilde, turned 1. so the theme was 'where the wild things are'. it was held at a kids place called peekaboo playland. everything was so cool, from the cake and favors, to the balloon guy, to the photo booth, and just the place itself. i'm sure she will update her blog soon with all the pictures. micah had a blast and even did well during the drive. it was great one-on-one time with him.
Monday, August 30, 2010
dr seuss birthday

finally got more pictures uploaded. celebrated jonah & joelle's birthdays at kidventures in eastlake on 8.21.10. dr seuss theme and boy does my sister like to theme it up. we made a cat in the hat cake, cat in the hat cake pops, dr seuss themed sugar cookies, and green egg jello. the kids took pictures with cat in the hat hats in a frame. kidventures was really fun for both the kids and adults.
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
some help with chores

a picture of my mama's boy in his underwear helping me out with chores. the vacuum actually picks up some stuff, but very little. i'm still searching for a real one with good reviews that can adjust to the kids' height. he likes it because it makes noise, but says my vacuum is too loud. micah helps out more with chores than malia does. maybe it's because he's still small and learning to do stuff on his own. or maybe he'll just make a great husband one day...when he's much 30.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
why can't you sit still?
i was cutting malia's nails and she can't even sit completely still or be quiet just for that.
malia: because i use my imagination
me: but doesn't imagination have to rest sometimes?
malia: imagination never rests
me: okay, if you say so
Friday, August 13, 2010
m&m's over me
sometimes i'm late for work because the kids wake up. it used to throw me off because i hate to be late for work, until i realized that sometimes timing is everything. too many times when i was running late, i would see an accident on the freeway. i can't help but think that it might have been me in the accident if i were on time that day. they probably saved my life.

this morning, micah woke up early and wouldn't let me leave for work. "i don't want you to leave," he said, "i go to work with you." so i turned on cartoons and gave him some milk. usually that's when he forgets about me and i can sneak out. not the case today. he came with me to pack lunches and lay out clothes. then malia woke up and wanted me to comb her hair, and micah didn't want me to help her. when i was finally putting on my shoes, he came crying again, "i don't want you to leave me." i tried to get him excited about playing at school and told him that i would pick him up as usual, but that didn't work. so i asked him, "if i give you two m&m's, will you let me go to work?" he was still kind of crying but he said yes. when i came back with the m&m's, i held them out and said,"bye micah i love you." he grabbed them, smiled and said, "bye mom, i love you." nice. now, should i have been relieved that we didn't leave on a bad note or should i be sad that he chose the m&m's over me?
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
curriculum night

it was curriculum night at lia's school. when i sat down at malia's desk, i knew what i would see inside, a mess. she is so funny and completely the opposite of me. there were papers, crayons & pencils everywhere. and an empty apple chips bag. i remember my books in my desk arranged according to size and my eraser even had a special place. so i cleaned it up. i tried to take a picture of her messy desk with my phone, but the teacher was coming. her teacher informed the parents about what the students are learning and what is expected of them by the end of the year. that is the least of my worries. i worry about her behavior, because it could impede learning. but her teacher says that so far, she's doing well and she is very fond of her. malia has one of the highest rated 2nd grade teachers this year. there are perks of having a hubby that works there :).
Monday, August 9, 2010
another baby?
malia: can we have another baby? i want a sister instead.
me: that's not nice lia. do you want me to give micah away?
malia: no, but i want a sister.
me: okay then we can keep micah. but we can't have another baby.
malia: but ninang jos had 3 babies.
me: then we'll just borrow one.
micah: i have a baby in my belly. (points to his big belly)
me: there you go lia, micah has a baby on the way.
a call from the mouse

Saturday, August 7, 2010

saw some kids selling lemonade as we were driving home after micah & roel's haircuts. so we stopped and let the kids buy some lemonade. they loved the idea since they love lemonade so much. we don't live on a busy street so we probably won't ever do a lemonade stand. we'll just buy from others instead.
Friday, August 6, 2010

Tuesday, August 3, 2010
i loathe homework
the homework battles have begun. i don't know why it's so hard for malia to understand that if she just gets her homework done and out of the way, then she can play and do whatever she wants. all of a sudden she's SO tired and her head or her legs hurt. but if i ask her if she wants a quick break to run around outside she'll quickly say yes. so yesterday, i told roel that he is officially in charge of homework time. i can work with her for the reading portion, but anything that has to be written down will not be with me. and he really is better at it than i am. he can tell if she needs to be left alone to do her homework or if she needs some prompting. goodness, and we're only in 2nd grade!
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